Sory Elementary School Attendance Information

    Please call the Sory Attendance Line at 903-891-6658 to report your child’s absence early each day that your child is absent. Attendance is taken every morning at 10:00 AM. 

    We believe that there is a positive correlation between good school attendance and high academic achievement. Therefore, every minute of instruction counts and we would like to thank you for making a special effort to ensure that your student maintains good attendance. Texas law (TEC 25.094) enforces the state compulsory school attendance requirements. This law requires that students are in attendance at school a minimum of 90% of the days that school is in session. SISD’s policy requires us to notify a truancy officer when excessive absences occur. If attendance is not improved after notification from the school, we will file a truancy violation with the court system. Parents/guardians are responsible for providing documentation to the school attendance clerk for all excused absences.